Ayurvedic remedies for Male Pattern Baldness|Androgenic Alopecia

Male Pattern Baldness/Androgenic alopecia is a condition, where, there is a loss of hair on the top (also known as a crown area) and frontal part of the head. The Hair loss usually occurs in the form of an "M" shape. The hair loss occurs due to the hormonal changes known as DHT. The 5 Alpha reductase enzyme converts the testosterone into a more potent androgen called DHT, resulting in an increased hair loss. In order to halt the hair loss, it is necessary to inhibit 5 alpha reductase to prevent the conversion of 5AR into DHT. Currently, finasteride and Minoxidil are used to treat the aforesaid condition, but are associated with some side effects. Hence, the demand for an alternative herbal medicine which inhibits 5 alpha reductase and work as a hair growth promoter has picked momentum.

Let’s take a look at the natural 5 alpha reductase inhibitors and hair growth promoters.

1. Amla(Phyllanthus emblica, Indian Gooseberry, Emblica Officinalis):

A research1 conducted in a University in Thailand found out that Amla was also one of the natural and potent inhibitor of 5 alpha reductase comparable to Finasteride.

How to use?


      Amla Infused buttermilk (How to prepare amla infused butter milk) : Once or twice a day.

      Amla juice : Have it with caution, as, it may irritate the stomach in some people if had in large quantities. Try having in little quantities.

3.   Amla Churna: Amla Churna is the dried form of Amla. Can be taken as above in a dosage of ½ tsp to 1tsp  by mixing in Buttermilk.
      (Read : Hair Loss - An Allopathic and Ayurvedic perspective )

External application:

1.   Amla Juice : Applying amla juice on the scalp and leaving it for 45mins to 1 hr and then rinsing off with plain water.

2.  Amla Churna: Paste of amla churna can be applied and left for an hour. Rinse off with plain water.

3.  Amla Decoction: If availability of amla churna or raw amla is a challenge, then purchase some dried pieces of amla and boil it for sometime and then use it for rinsing.

4.  Amla Oil : Apply Amla Oil overnight and rinse off the next day. Can use a mild shampoo or shikakai powder.

2. Bhumiamalaki(Phyllanthus niruri): 

Research2 carried out on the efficacy of the herb as a 5AR inhibitors concluded that the extract was potent enough to inhibit 5 alpha reductase in the skin.

3. Indrayan Phal (Citrullus Colocynthisis): 

The research3 carried out in respect of the evaluation of the efficacy of the Indrayan Phal (Citrullus Colocynthisis) concluded as below.
The treatment was also successful in bringing a greater number of hair follicles in anagenic phase than the standard finasteride. The result of treatment with 2 and 5% petroleum ether extracts were comparable to the positive control finasteride. The petroleum ether extract of C. colocynthis and its isolate is useful in the treatment of androgen-induced alopecia.”.

How to Use?

Externally :
     Obtain a coarsely powdered extract of the herb. Prepare a decoction/paste and apply it on hair. Leave it for 45mins to 1hr and then rinse your hair.

4. Amar bel (Cuscuta Reflexa) : 

The extract of Cuscuta Reflexa could reverse androgen-induced alopecia/male pattern baldness by inhibiting conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Now that the dht has been blocked, the hair will grow at its usual pace. In order to accelerate hair growth and facilitate thick hair, the following herbs will be of great use.

1. Amla
2. Bhringaraj
3. Hibiscus
4. Jatamansi
5. Nagarmotha
6. Neem
7. Fenugreek
8. Curry Leaves

According to Ayurveda, excessive pitta results in thin hair and eventually hair loss. Pacifying pitta helps in the prevention of hair loss.

(Read : Ayurvedic Hair Care Regimen)

It is also important to provide nutrition from within to support hair growth. Ayurveda considers Hair to be a byproduct of bones, it is therefore necessary to have calcium rich foods. 

Iron rich foods will also facilitate hair growth as iron improves blood flow to the scalp.

In addition to the above, incorporate the following in your lifestyle.

1. Avoid chemical based shampoos.(Use Herbal Shampoos - How to prepare Herbal Shampoos using amla, reetha and shikakai

2. Have a balanced diet.

3. Have pitta pacifying foods.

4. Consume sufficient green veggies and fruits.

5. Do not get stressed. Stress aggravates hair loss. Practice meditation, pranayama, yoga etc.

6. Oil your hair-scalp atleast thrice a week.

7. Chyawanprash can be consumed twice daily along with milk half an hour before food, as it is considered to be a rasayana that helps in delaying ageing.

Hair loss requires a holistic regime. Adhering to it will help in long run facilitating a thick and lustrous hair growth


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