Yoga poses that help in reducing hair loss.

Well, there seems to be little evidence to corroborate the claims of a particular asana or exercise being useful in halting the hair loss. As a rule of thumb, everybody would agree that poor blood circulation causes hair loss. Therefore, asanas that increase blood circulation in the scalp area should atleast halt hair loss, if not regrowth. 

An improved blood circulation means, necessary nutrients being supplied to the hair follicle to sustain growth.

(Read : Ayurvedic Hair Care )

Below are the types of asanas that help in improving blood circulation in the scalp, if done properly.

4.Adhomukha Shwanasana or Downward Dog(Easy)
5.Ardha badha padmasana(Moderate)
6.Parivritta Trikonasana(Moderate)
7.Uthita Trikonasana(Moderate)
8.Ardha Chandrasana(Moderate)
11.Halasana or Plough pose(Moderate)
14.Viparita Karni(Easy)

(Read : Hair Loss : An Allopathy and Ayurvedic perspective)

The asanas mentioned above range from easy to difficult. The asanas that are mentioned as easy and moderate can be performed within a few days of practice, while, the asanas that are mentioned as difficult, requires a little more practice to perform flawlessly.

As a piece of advise, asanas like Shirasasana and Sarvangasana be performed against a wall support and and for all asanas, it must be perfomed on a yoga mat to avoid hurting yourself.

Do not try to overdo it the first day itself, even for the asanas that are categorized as easy. It is a gradual process, your body requires time to adjust to a new regimen.

In addition to the above asanas, pranayama and meditation may be performed to achieve tranquility in the mind.

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